Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 4/15/09

Amended and Approved on 4/29/09



Planning Board Attendees

Arnold Cohen, Chair 

Susan Price

Paul Lauenstein, Vice Chair

Amanda Sloan  - absent

Eli Hauser, Clerk   - absent



Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer, Consultant - absent



Matt Grosshandler – 113 Norwood Street



Meeting Initiation/Chair’s Report

Chair Cohen called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM and conducted the proceedings.


ANR Plan

Matt Grosshandler, resident of 113 Norwood Street came before the Board to let them know of his intentions to place an addition on his 1775 house. He reported that he has met with Joe Kent, Building Inspector.  He had thought his plan was conforming but learned that the planned addition is a bit too close to where the property line actually is (he had thought the property line was further from his house).  Therefore, he was planning a land swap with his neighbor in order to make the lot lines more regular and provide enough side set back for his addition.  After a brief discussion, Mr. Cohen stated that, generally, if someone wanted to do a land swap and not create additional lots, this would be a routine process handled by the Planning Board. He said if plans are drawn properly, the process is fairly routine.


Sign Reviews



Other Business

1.      The Board wants to confirm with Mr. O’Cain what role the Planning Board will play with Article 12 for the Fall Town Meeting.


2.      Ms. Price provided a brief overview of the status of the minor revisions to the Sign Bylaws.


3.      Mr. Lauenstein discussed Brickstone and the fact that they will now be building six buildings instead of six buildings and a nursing home.


4.      Mr. Cohen stated he will attend the pre-town meeting representing the Planning Board.


5.      Mr. Lauenstein said he will attend the LID conference regarding rainwater in May as the April meeting was postponed. He reported that the Town has done amazingly well with reference to water use in the past five months as compared to the past ten years. This is good news.


6.      Ms Levitts reported that the new version of the Zoning Bylaws is ready for print.


Meeting Minutes

Ms. Price moved to approve the minutes of 3/25/09 as amended. Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-0.


Next Meeting dates

4/29/09, 5/13, 5/27


Meeting Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. Mr. Lauenstein moved to close the meeting and Ms. Price seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-0 in favor.